Music Training Helps Kids With Reading & Math!


Research shows that children who learn music from an early age are more successful in academics!  Right and left brain functions are activated when learning to play music.  That’s why kids who learn to play music have higher math and reading scores.

Kids who learn music are a step ahead!

Here are just some of the incredible findings experts and researchers have observed in their experiments:

  • Preschoolers with music training did better at math reasoning than another group that had computer training instead.
  • Students who received daily music training for seven months had higher reading scores at the end than did a control group.  A year later, their scores were still higher than the control groups.
  • Infants can distinguish differences in pitch, melody and rhythm from very early on. In fact, they even seem to recognize music they were exposed to repeatedly in the womb.
  • Preschoolers were able to learn body parts better in a lesson that used music and dance as opposed to conventional lessons, or even one including movement but no music.
  • College students who received musical training before age 12 remembered significantly more words from a list than other students.

Music Classes – $40/Month

Click here for more information on Emerson Music Arts Music Classes